Consulting and Ordering


Jaban Trading Group has been active in the field of animal feed pulp for many years and has the best example of this product in Iran.

Types of pulp

Product Price List

Product NameDescriptionPackage typeStockPrice
For Ordering Contact Us

Sell Manager







About Us

Jaban trading group has been selling livestock and poultry feed pulp for many years, including apple pulp, tomato pulp, beet pulp, olive pulp, date pulp, pomegranate pulp, sugarcane pulp, orange pulp, lemon pulp, grape pulp and barley malt. It started working in Esfahan but currently it is working in both Esfahan and Tehran. Free consultation regarding buying and selling of our products is done on all days of the week. Ordering the product can be done through phone call or WhatsApp. The payment is in cash. We send our products to every cranny and nook of the world without any limitation in time, place or the amount of the cargo

Jaban Manager

Alireza Javadi